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Peter Hart / Atlanta Puppet



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The following suggested Georgia QCCs are relevant to the performance of "Animalympics"
for grades K - 5



Topic & Standard

1, 3

Character Education
Respect for Others

11. Topic: Respect for Others
Standard: Altruism: concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others.
11.3 – Courtesy and Cooperation: recognition of mutual interdependence with others resulting in polite treatment and respect for them

12. Topic: Respect for Others
Standard: Integrity: confirmed virtue and uprightness of character, freedom from hypocrisy.
12.4 Fairness and good sportsmanship: freedom from favoritism, self-interest, or indulgence of one's likes and dislikes; abiding by the rules of a contest and accepts victory or defeat graciously.

1, 3

Character Education
Respect for Self

13 Topic: Respect for Self
Standard: Accountability: responsibility for one's actions and their consequences.
13.1 Commitment: being emotionally, physically or intellectually bound to something.
13.2 Perseverance and diligence: adherence to actions and their consequences.
13.3 Self control and virtue: exercising authority over one's emotions and actions

14 Topic: Respect for Self
Standard: Self-Esteem: pride and belief in oneself and in achievement of one's potential.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Guidance A.
Self Knowledge

1. Topic: Knowledge of the importance of self-concept
Standard: Describe positive characteristics about self as seen by self and others. Demonstrate a positive attitude about self. Describe how behavior influences the feelings and actions of others.

2. Topic: Skills to interact with others.
Standard: Identify how people are unique.
Demonstrate effective skills for interacting with others.
Demonstrate skills in managing conflicts with peers and adults.
Demonstrate group membership skills.

4, 5

Fine Arts
Theatre Arts

#22 – Topic: Connections
Standard: Uses other disciplines such as social studies, language arts, foreign languages, physical education, and science content for ideas for drama.
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